Department of Veterans Affairs
6 VAMCs, North Texas, Central Texas, and Texas Valley Coastal Bend, Texas
Romanyk Consulting Corporation (RCC) is developing market workload assessments for the three markets of North Texas, Central Texas, and Valley Coastal Bend Texas. Romanyk’s in-house healthcare planners are developing detailed stand-alone master plans for six of the VA Medical Centers (VAMC). The total planning effort involves 6.6 million square feet and includes 38 owned and leased structures. As part of the master planning work, Romanyk is developing critical enrollment, workload, and demand analyses for all three markets.
Romanyk planners are performing an overall analysis of the facility’s mission and delivery of patient care, ancillary, diagnostic, research, and support services. They will identify key service lines, including interaction and adjacency of relevant programs both internal and external to the facility. The team will examine the allotment and configuration of existing space and acreage. Our team will recommend changes to meet the facility’s strategic planning goals for patient care and operations. Romanyk also will analyze the impact of services on the community and balance these with other considerations, to recommend an ideal configuration of services, location, and size. The effort will deliver comprehensive market-level analysis and reallocation plans as well as facility master plans to best support planning and project requirements over a 10-year planning horizon. All efforts will be aimed to best serve the Veterans that receive care in the healthcare network.
Further, Romanyk's team will summarize recommended capital initiatives required to meet the projected demand. For each initiative, our final report will include the development timeline, order of magnitude cost estimates, detailed description, gap mitigation, and scope of work.
The final master plans will integrate data gathered from the comprehensive market-level analysis and reallocation plans, the facility-level Strategic/Capital Asset Plans, medical center staff, collected data, analysis of the Veteran population, workload demand, and projection forecasts located in the VA’s Enrollment Projection Model, VSSC Space Calculations, Facility Condition Assessments (FCA), and site-specific community and stakeholder issues.
North Texas Health Care System
The North Texas Health Care System provides a comprehensive range of healthcare services to veterans in 40 counties (38 in northern Texas and 2 in Oklahoma). It manages 3.7 million sq. ft. of medical space and operates three medical centers (totaling 3.35 million GSF) in Dallas, Garland, and Bonham, as well as nine Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs). With an influx of Veterans retiring to the area, this system is experiencing tremendous growth predicted to continue during the next ten years. As part of this effort, RCC will provide a comprehensive market analysis of N. Texas with deep-dive analysis of four counties: Dallas, Collin, Denton, and Tarrant. While all counties within the market are to be analyzed, the four deep-dive counties are a priority as two planned capital projects will significantly impact the service area. Romanyk is analyzing current and projected enrollees. Ultimately, creating a master plan which identified and provided a future plan to align location, population, and services.
Central Texas Veterans Health Care System
The Central Texas Veterans Health Care System (CTVHCS) is comprised of two Veterans Affairs Medical Centers (totaling 286 acres and 2.3 million GSF) located in Temple and Waco; one 190,121 NUSF stand-alone Multi-Specialty Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) in Austin; four Primary Care Community-Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) located in Brownwood, Bryan/College Station, Cedar Park, and Palestine; and a rural outreach clinic in La Grange and a shared VA/DOD Sleep Lab in Killeen. The CTVHCS service area consists of approximately 124,995 Veterans, spanning 35,243 square miles across 39 counties and 11 congressional districts. CTVHCS provides a full spectrum of primary, secondary, and tertiary health care services including outpatient, inpatient, and residential mental health treatment programs. Over the next 10-years, CTVHCS projects a continuous and steady growth of 20% enrollees, thus placing CTX as the 3rd fastest growing market in the Nation. Romanyk is developing a Master Plan to address three primary areas of concern: 1) maintaining and revitalizing existing support to maximize the service delivery potential of all campuses; 2) addressing existing service gaps within each area; 3) optimizing the care provided in Primary Care and Mental Health for our Veterans.
Texas Valley Coastal Bend Health Care System
The TVCBHCS is located in the Deep South of Texas. It encompasses 20 counties and has four major service areas Laredo, McAllen, Harlingen, and Corpus Christi. In addition to the 164,654-sq.-ft. VA Health Care Center at Harlingen, services are provided in five community-based outpatient clinics and 2 PACT clinics. These clinics are located in Laredo, McAllen, Harlingen, and Corpus Christi. Romanyk is analyzing current and projected enrollees as well as workload. RCC efforts will deliver a master plan which identifies and provides a future plan to align location, population, and services.